• 德国慕尼黑


4 月 2, 2024

The behind-the-scenes and interactive exhibition opens on Thursday, May 9th, 2024 in the Olympiahalle 

München, April 2, 2024 – Harry Potter Fans can rejoice! 哈利-波特展览 will now open on Thursday, 9 May 2024 (Ascension Day), one day earlier than previously announced. It is being shown in Germany for the first time. 

Tickets for Harry Potter: The Exhibition, the most comprehensive exhibition ever presented about the expanded world of Harry Potter, will be available at all known advance booking offices and at http://www.Harry-Potter-Ausstellung.deeventim.demuenchenticket.de

Iconic moments, costumes and props  
The all-new behind-the-scenes exhibition celebrates iconic moments, characters, settings, and beasts from the films and stories of ​哈利-波特 Fantastic Beasts,​ as well as the expanded world of Harry Potter, including the costumes, props and imagery from the Tony® award-winning Broadway production 哈利-波特与被诅咒的孩子 as seen in Hamburg at the MEHR! Theater. Guests can experience beautifully crafted environments that honor many of the unforgettable moments fans and audiences have loved for more than two decades, getting an up-close look at everything from original costumes to authentic props as they embark on a personalized journey through innovative, awe-inspiring, and magical environments using best-in-class immersive design and technology. 

Following the world premiere in Philadelphia in 2022, 哈利-波特展览 has since opened in several cities around the world and welcomed over 2 million visitors and fans of Harry Potter and the wizarding world. It is currently showing in New York City, New York, Barcelona, Spain, and Macao, China, with more cities to be announced soon.  

Harry Potter: The Exhibition was created and developed in partnership by Warner Bros. Discovery Global Themed Entertainment, Imagine Exhibitions, and Eventim Live. 


从 11 岁的哈利-波特遇到霍格沃茨魔法学校的钥匙和场地管理员鲁伯斯-海格的那一刻起,他的冒险经历就在流行文化中留下了不可磨灭的印记。25 年后的今天,"哈利-波特 "现象已成为历史上最成功、最受喜爱的娱乐产业之一。 

J.K. Rowling’s best-selling Harry Potter novels have been brought to life in an ever-evolving, interconnected universe which is loved by millions of fans worldwide. Eight blockbuster 哈利-波特 电影和三部史诗 神奇动物 电影将引人入胜的动作搬上银幕、 哈利-波特与被诅咒的孩子 在舞台上,《精灵宝可梦》让人如痴如醉,而 Portkey Games 的先进视频和手机游戏则让玩家体验到前所未有的魔法世界。粉丝们可以通过创新的消费产品自豪地展示他们的热情,并在壮观的现场体验中获得刺激--包括世界各地环球影城的五个主题公园。 

华纳兄弟Discovery旗下的《哈利-波特》和《神奇动物》产品组合不断扩大,包括突破性的旅游体验和活动,每项活动都是为了庆祝粉丝们珍视的特殊时刻和地点而开发的,还有9号站台3⁄4零售店和标志性旗舰店--哈利-波特纽约店。巫师、女巫和麻瓜们还可以在以下地方探索幕后秘密,发现新的东西 华纳兄弟伦敦工作室之旅--《哈利-波特》的制作过程华纳兄弟东京工作室之旅--《哈利-波特》的制作过程


有关《哈利-波特》和《神奇动物》的最新消息和专题,请访问 www.wizardingworld.com.  

WIZARDING WORLD and all related trademarks, characters, names and indicia are © & TM Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Publishing Rights © JKR. (s23)  

华纳兄弟探索全球主题娱乐公司(WBDGTE)隶属于华纳兄弟探索全球品牌、特许经营和体验公司(Warner Bros. Discovery Global Brands, Franchises and Experiences),是以华纳兄弟的标志性角色、故事和品牌为基础,创造、开发和授权基于地点的娱乐、现场活动、展览和主题公园体验的全球领导者。WBDGTE 是《哈利波特魔法世界》(The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™)、《阿布扎比华纳兄弟世界》(Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi)、《澳大利亚华纳兄弟电影世界》(WB Movie World Australia)等全球开创性项目的所在地,也是其他无数受 DC、Looney Tunes、Scooby、Game of Thrones、Friends 等启发的体验项目的所在地。WBDGTE 与一流的合作伙伴一起,让全世界的影迷身临其境地体验他们最喜爱的品牌和特许经营项目。  

Imagine Exhibitions 简介  
总部位于亚特兰大的想象展览公司(Imagine Exhibitions, Inc. 是以叙事为驱动、身临其境的戏剧设计、故事讲述和身临其境的体验领域的全球领导者,为全球各地的博物馆、品牌、场馆和综合度假村创造精致、高品质的体验。从构思到运营,Imagines 的行业先锋团队凭借在沉浸式设计体验和娱乐领域数十年的成功经验,始终如一地创造和实施令人难忘、发人深省的环境。公司为客户量身定做的体验活动,无论在哪里展示,都能传递有针对性的信息,提高参观人数。想象展览公司是全球巡回娱乐业的先驱,曾举办过许多国际知名的展览,如 哈利波特展览》、《泰坦尼克号:展览》、《饥饿游戏:展览》、《愤怒的小鸟:展览》:展览》、《愤怒的小鸟愤怒的小鸟:全球现象背后的艺术和科学》、《侏罗纪世界:展览》、《侏罗纪世界:艺术和科学》:展览、 唐顿庄园展览。   

想象展览公司目前在世界各地的博物馆、科学中心、水族馆、综合度假村和非传统场所举办 40 多场独特的展览。公司还继续设计、开设和运营自己的场馆,同时创建和实施永久性和半永久性博物馆、品牌、娱乐产业以及餐饮体验。欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.ImagineExhibitions.com 或在 Facebook 上找到我们。  

About Eventim Live 
EVENTIM LIVE is the promoter group of CTS EVENTIM. With a network of 39 promoters worldwide, EVENTIM LIVE is uniquely positioned to offer a wide range of live entertainment experiences tailored to diverse audiences. From large-scale global tours to intimate local concerts and iconic festivals, Eventim Live ensures that fans have access to the most exciting events across various genres and locations. EVENTIM LIVE also excels in the dynamic realm of touring exhibitions, contributing to the cultural exchange that defines this growing segment. 

About Semmel Concerts 
Semmel Exhibitions is a leading promoter in Europe and has consistently ranked among the top 10 promoters worldwide in the official POLLSTAR ranking for many years. The company structure includes Semmel Concerts, Semmel Exhibitions, and Semmel Artists & Events.  

Semmel Exhibitions produces experiences that travel to venues worldwide and presents exhibitions at its own venues in Germany, Austria, and German-speaking Switzerland. Semmel Exhibitions’ portfolio currently includes four productions: ‘Tutankhamun: His Tomb and His Treasures’, ‘MARVEL: Universe of Super Heroes’, ‘Spider-Man: Beyond Amazing – The Exhibition’, and ‘Disney100: The Exhibition’. These exhibitions have inspired over nine million people worldwide and have formed a strong international network of museums, science centres, cultural venues, and creative industries. 

For Media Inquiries about Harry Potter: The Exhibition in Munich 

Semmel Concerts Entertainment GmbH 
Karolina Jarecki 
Head of Media Relations 
Office:   +49 621 33935712 
Mobile:  +49 178 2099138 