- 亚特兰大
哈利-波特:大展》门票 9 月 28 日开售
WHO: Calling all fans and friends of 哈利-波特展览
WHAT: Tickets are going on sale for 哈利-波特展览 in Atlanta, GA
WHERE: Purchase online at www.atlanta.harrypotterexhibition.com
WHEN: Beginning on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 10:00 a.m. online
The exhibition officially opens at 200 Peachtree in Downtown Atlanta, GA, on Friday, Oct. 21.
Tickets will not be available for purchase in person at the venue box office until opening on Oct. 21.
ABOUT: 哈利-波特展览 arrives in Atlanta on Friday, Oct. 21, for a limited engagement. Wizarding World fans can purchase tickets online starting Sept. 28 at 10 a.m. The world premiere of 哈利-波特展览 in Philadelphia was warmly received by record-breaking crowds. Atlanta is the second stop on the U.S. tour for this immersive, behind-the-scenes experience which will be held at 200 Peachtree in Downtown Atlanta. It celebrates the films and stories of 哈利-波特》、《神奇动物, and the expanded Wizarding World, including 哈利-波特与被诅咒的孩子, through beautifully crafted environments that honor the iconic moments, characters, settings, and beasts, created by J.K. Rowling and as seen in the films and stories. Visitors will get an up-close look at authentic props and original costumes from 哈利-波特 和 神奇动物 films and will have the opportunity to engage with innovative, awe-inspiring, and magical environments and installations in ways never before experienced in a touring exhibition. Guests will also enjoy a gift shop featuring officially licensed products inspired by the Harry Potter films and exclusive, bespoke merchandise not available at any other Wizarding World experience.
TICKET DETAILS: Prices start at $25 for children (12 and under) and $29 for adults (13 and over), excluding taxes and fees. Additional ticket offerings include the Flextime ticket starting at $59, good for any time or day (makes a great gift!), as well as a VIP ticket package, good for any time on the date selected, and includes a commemorative lanyard, complimentary audio guide and a $10 voucher to be used in the retail store at the Exhibition.
哈利-波特展览 was created and developed by Imagine Exhibitions in partnership with Warner Bros. Themed Entertainment in association with EMC Presents.
For general exhibition FAQs, visit 这里. Interviews with Imagine Exhibitions and photography are available upon request.
参观 www.HarryPotterExhibition.com to register for updates on the immersive experience.
自哈利-波特从国王十字车站驶入九又四分之三站台以来,他不可思议的冒险经历在大众文化中留下了独特而持久的印记。根据 J.K. 罗琳原著故事改编的八部大片将神奇的故事娓娓道来,如今,魔法世界已被公认为世界上最受喜爱的品牌之一。
它代表了一个相互关联的浩瀚宇宙,还包括三部史诗般的 神奇动物 电影 哈利-波特与被诅咒的孩子 - 屡获殊荣的舞台剧、Portkey Games 公司最先进的视频和手机游戏、创新的消费产品、惊险刺激的现场娱乐活动(包括四个主题公园)以及富有洞察力的展览。
华纳兄弟拥有的 "魔法世界 "游览和零售产品组合不断扩大,其中还包括旗舰项目 "哈利-波特纽约"、"华纳兄弟伦敦工作室之旅--哈利-波特的诞生"、"华纳兄弟东京工作室之旅 "以及 "站台 9 ¾"零售店。
华纳兄弟主题娱乐公司(Warner Bros. Themed Entertainment,简称 WBTE)隶属于华纳兄弟探索全球品牌与体验公司(Warner Bros. Discover Global Brands and Experiences),是以华纳兄弟的标志性人物、故事和品牌为基础,创造、开发和授权基于地点的娱乐、现场活动、展览和主题公园体验的全球领导者。WBTE 是《哈利波特魔法世界》、《阿布扎比华纳兄弟世界》、《澳大利亚华纳兄弟电影世界》等全球开创性项目的所在地,也是 DC、《Looney Tunes》、《Scooby-Doo》、《权力的游戏》、《Friends》等无数其他体验项目的所在地。WBTE 与一流的合作伙伴合作,让世界各地的粉丝能够身临其境地体验他们最喜爱的品牌和特许经营项目。
Imagine Exhibitions 简介
想象展览公司(Imagine Exhibitions, Inc)总部位于亚特兰大,是以叙事为驱动、身临其境的戏剧设计、故事讲述和身临其境的体验领域的全球领导者,为全球各地的博物馆、品牌、场馆和综合度假村创造精致、高品质的体验。从构思到运营,Imagine 的行业先锋团队凭借在沉浸式设计体验和娱乐领域数十年的成功经验,始终如一地创造和实施令人难忘、发人深省的环境。公司为客户量身定制的体验项目,无论在哪里展示,都能传递有针对性的信息,提高出席率。想象展览公司是全球巡回娱乐业的先驱,曾举办过许多国际知名的展览,例如 哈利波特展览》、《泰坦尼克号:展览》、《饥饿游戏:展览》、《愤怒的小鸟:展览》:展览》、《愤怒的小鸟愤怒的小鸟:全球现象背后的艺术与科学》、《侏罗纪世界:展览》和《唐顿庄园:世界上最古老的宫殿》:展览》和《唐顿庄园》:展览.
Imagine Exhibitions is currently presenting more than 40 unique exhibitions in museums, science centers, aquariums, integrated resorts, and non-traditional venues worldwide. The Company also continues to design, open, and operate its own venues, along with creating and implementing permanent and semi-permanent museum, brand, entertainment properties, and food and beverage experiences. For more information, visit ImagineExhibitions.com 或在 Facebook 上找到我们。
For Media Inquiries for Harry Potter: The Exhibition in Atlanta, GA:
Tara Murphy, Abby Watkins + Alli Ehrhardt
360 Media, Inc.