- 中國澳門
- 波士顿
- 圣保罗
常見問答集 澳門
所有 3 岁及以上游客均需凭票入场。2 岁及以下儿童免费入场,无需购票。12 岁以下儿童必须始终有成人陪同。由于场馆内的限制,婴儿车不得进入展览馆。
如需一般門票、VIP 門票和 Flex 門票優惠相關資訊,請造訪售票頁面。
所有年滿 3 歲的來賓皆必須購票入場。未滿 2 歲的兒童無需購票,可以免費參觀。未滿 12 歲的兒童一律必須由成人陪同。由於展場內有限制,因此展覽禁止使用嬰兒車。
展览开放时间为每天上午 11:00 - 下午 7:00;最后入场时间为下午 6:15。
展览是自助式的,我们希望游客能花 60-90 分钟进行探索。
每個參觀場次以 30 分鐘為間隔銷售,您有整整 30 分鐘的緩衝時間可以趕上參觀場次。如果晚到超過 30 分鐘,只要還有名額,我們可以為您安排下一個參觀場次。
是的!我们鼓励游客庆祝 哈利-波特》系列 装扮。您也可以在展览内使用魔杖。请使用 @harrypotter_exhibition、#HarryPotterExhibition 和 #HarryPotterExhibitionMacao 与我们分享您的照片!
訪客可以選擇搭乘多種大眾交通工具前往:從珠海橫琴口岸/拱北關閘/廣州市/中山市/東莞市/深圳市:抵達澳門後,從拱北關閘或橫琴口岸搭乘免費澳門倫敦人酒店接駁車,前往澳門倫敦人酒店。如需最新的接駁車服務時間表,包括澳門渡輪碼頭和機場的免費接駁車,按一下即可查看免費接駁車時間表*。從香港:金光飛航是連接香港和澳門的頂級高速渡輪服務。抵達澳門後,免費接駁車直接載您到澳門倫敦人酒店門口。香港佐敦至澳門的快線亦恢復營運,每日往返十趟。 按一下查看巴士時間表。如需查詢及購票,歡迎前往我們的穿梭巴士接駁點,或致電威尼斯人金光旅遊 +853 8118 2933 瞭解詳情。
開車前往澳門的來賓,可在港珠澳大橋澳門邊檢大樓東停車場免費停車。如需更多詳細資料,請按一下這裡。自助停車:第一個小時:25 澳門元;每 24 小時:300 澳門元。另外,澳門金沙度假區全年無休提供代客停車服務。如需代客停車服務,請前往酒店正門入口交接車輛。收費標準如下:隨後每小時 50 澳門元,每 24 小時上限 600 澳門元。
FAQs Boston
The Exhibition is open daily and hours are subject to change. Check our ticketing page for the most up-to-date schedule!
For assistance with your ticket purchase, please contact our customer care team at [email protected] or by phone at (833) 208-9151, Monday – Friday from 9am-5pm ET.
展览是自助式的,我们希望游客能花 60-90 分钟进行探索。
若為以 30 分鐘間隔銷售的場次,您有整整 30 分鐘的緩衝時間可以趕上參觀場次。如果晚到超過 30 分鐘,只要還有名額,我們可以為您安排下一個參觀場次。
Tickets for the Exhibition provide a one-time entry. Once guests are inside the Exhibition, they may not re-enter. Should a guest need to step out of the Exhibition for an emergency, please notify the nearest staff member.
所有未滿 15 歲的來賓,一律必須由年滿 16 歲的來賓陪同入場。
Yes! We encourage visitors to celebrate the Harry Potter series by dressing up. Wands are also permitted inside the Exhibition. Please share your photos with us using @harrypotter_exhibition and #HarryPotter展览!
100 Cambridgeside Place, Cambridge, MA 02141
-Located at Cambridgeside Galleria
-Front entrance is at the corner of First St and Cambridgeside Pl.
CambridgeSide is located at the Lechmere T on the Green Line.
The EZRide Shuttle provides service from North Station to Lechmere, Kendall and into Cambridge.
Free Shuttle Service:
CambridgeSide offers a free shuttle service between CambridgeSide, MBTA Lechmere Green Line T Station and Kendall Square Red Line T Station. The bus runs every 20 minutes, Monday through Friday from 6am to 9pm and Saturday + Sunday from 9am to 9pm.
MBTA Station Information + Schedule:
-Lechmere Green Line T Stop
-Kendall Square Red Line T Stop
-Community College Orange Line T Stop
CambridgeSide has automated paid parking. Please take your ticket with you and pay before returning to your car at one of the convenient parking pay stations on the following levels G1, G2, G3. For your convenience, CambridgeSide provides easily accessible parking. The garage has three entrances: CambridgeSide Place, Land Boulevard, and First Street.
Garage Hours
Monday- Saturday 6am – 1am
Sunday 9am-12 Midnight
All guests ages 3 and up require a ticket for entry. Ages 2 and under are welcome to visit, and do not need a ticket. Due to restrictions within the venue, strollers are not permitted inside the Boston Exhibition.
如需一般門票、VIP 門票和 Flex 門票優惠相關資訊,請造訪售票頁面。
VIP and Flex tickets make a great gift as they allow guests to purchase tickets without pre-selecting a date or time for their visit. These can be redeemed at any time during the month selected at purchase.
If you have a Flex ticket, you are welcome to visit the Exhibition on any date or time within the selected month that we are open. There is no need to confirm your time before you arrive. Please refer to our operating hours above when planning your visit. Most guests spend 60-90min inside the Exhibition.
Oversized bags and backpacks are not allowed in the Boston Exhibition.
我们欢迎小型手持相机和手机,但请注意,我们不允许在展览内使用外部照明等专业摄像设备。我们鼓励游客在参观期间拍摄大量照片--请随时在 Instagram 上标记我们。 @harrypotter_exhibition!
Due to restrictions within the venue, strollers are not permitted inside the Boston Exhibition.
The Exhibition will be open for a limited engagement. Please visit our ticketing page for the most up-to-date schedule.
Harry Potter: The Exhibition is a celebration of all eight Harry Potter films and the extended Harry Potter universe. Iconic story moments and behind the scenes information are featured throughout the experience. It is not necessary to have seen all the films in order to enjoy the Exhibition, but visitors will see content from the full timeline of the franchise.
FAQs São Paulo
The Exhibition is open daily and hours are subject to change. Check our ticketing page for the most up-to-date schedule!
For assistance with your ticket purchase, please contact our customer care team here.
展览是自助式的,我们希望游客能花 60-90 分钟进行探索。
若為以 30 分鐘間隔銷售的場次,您有整整 30 分鐘的緩衝時間可以趕上參觀場次。如果晚到超過 30 分鐘,只要還有名額,我們可以為您安排下一個參觀場次。
Tickets for the Exhibition provide a one-time entry. Once guests are inside the Exhibition, they may not re-enter. Should a guest need to step out of the Exhibition for an emergency, please notify the nearest staff member.
所有未滿 15 歲的來賓,一律必須由年滿 16 歲的來賓陪同入場。
Yes! We encourage visitors to celebrate the Wizarding World by dressing up. Wands are also permitted inside the Exhibition. Please share your photos with us using @harrypotter_exhibition and #HarryPotterExhibition!
Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, S/n – Portão 2 – Moema, São Paulo – SP, 04094-050, Brazil
The building is located inside the park, between the Mueseum of Modern Art (MAM) and the Ibirapuera Auditorium. The entrance is through gate 3.
By Subway:
Line 5 – Lilac
By Bus:
75T-10, 5164-10, 5185-10, 5300-10, 5630-10, 6338-10, 6358-10, 709A-10, 857A-10
Parking information:
Parking – Gate 3
如需一般門票、VIP 門票和 Flex 門票優惠相關資訊,請造訪售票頁面。
VIP and Flex tickets make a great gift as they allow guest to purchase ticket withour pre-selecting a date and time for their visit. These can be redeemed at any time during operating hours.
If you have Flex of VIP ticket you are welcome to visit the Exhibition on any date or time within hours of operation. There is no need to confirm you time before you arrive. Please refer to our operating hours when planning your visit. Most guests spend 60-90min inside the exhibition.
Oversized bags and backpacks are not allowed.
Small hand-held cameras and phones are welcome, but please note that we do not allow professional camera equipment such as external lighting inside the exhibition. We encourage guests to take plenty of photos during their visit – feel free to tag us on Instagram @harrypotter_exhibitionbr!
Due to restrictions within the venue, strollers are not permitted inside the São Paulo Exhibition. Please note: there is limited space designated for stroller parking and it is unsupervised.
The Exhibition will be open for a limited engagement. Please visit our ticketing page for the most up-to-date schedule.
FAQs Madrid
Yes! We encourage visitors to celebrate the wizarding world by dressing up. Wands are also permitted inside the Exhibition. Please share your photos with us using @harrypotter_exhibition and #HarryPotterExhibition!
所有 3 岁及以上的游客均需凭票入场。欢迎 2 岁及以下儿童参观,无需购票。
Harry Potter: The Exhibition is a celebration of all eight Harry Potter films and the greater wizarding world. Iconic story moments and behind the scenes information are featured throughout the experience. It is not necessary to have seen all the films in order to enjoy the Exhibition, but visitors will see content from the full timeline of all of the movies.
请查看我们的地点页面, 注册订阅我们的时事通讯,以了解新地点公告!
If you’re interested in joining our team, please check our Careers page!