• 圣保罗


4 月 15, 2024

The groundbreaking, interactive touring exhibition will celebrate its South American Premiere at Ibirapuera’s OCA in the city of São Paulo, in August 2024. Tickets go on sale April 23rd.

São Paulo, April 15th, 2024 – Warner Bros. Discovery Global Themed Entertainment, Imagine Exhibitions, and Eventim Livehave announced that 哈利-波特展览 is making its South America premiere at Ibirapuera’s OCA in the city of São Paulo in August 2024. Tickets for Harry Potter: The Exhibition will go on sale Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at harrypotterexhibition.com.br活动.

The behind-the-scenes exhibition celebrates the iconic moments, characters, settings, and beasts as seen from the films of 哈利-波特Fantastic Beasts™, as well as the wonders of the extended Harry Potter universe, including costumes, props and imagery from the Tony® award-winning Broadway production Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Guests can experience the beautifully crafted environments that honor many of the unforgettable moments fans and audiences have loved for more than two decades, getting an up-close look at everything from original costumes to authentic props as they embark on a personalized journey through innovative, awe-inspiring, and magical environments using best-in-class immersive design and technology.

Following the world premiere in Philadelphia in February 2022, Harry Potter: The Exhibition has since opened in several cities around the world and welcomed over two million visitors and fans of 哈利-波特. It is currently showing in New York City, USA, Macao, China and opens next month in Munich, Germany.

“Our beloved franchise has been captivating fans for generations and this exhibition has given millions the chance to see the wizarding world in a new way,” said Peter van Roden, Senior Vice President of Warner Bros. Discovery Global Themed Entertainment. “Whether they’re lifelong students of the Harry Potter films or new to the franchise, fans of all ages across South America and in São Paulo are in for a magical experience.”

“This exhibition celebrates the extended world of Harry Potter like no other touring exhibition has done before,” said Tom Zaller, President and CEO of Imagine Exhibitions. “I have wanted to open in Brazil since we began planning and I am so happy to finally go on sale in São Paulo. We can’t wait to share it with visitors, fans and families from all over Brazil when we open at the OCA this August!”. 

“I was at the opening of the exhibition in Philadelphia and left convinced that I had to bring it to Brazil,” said Jeffrey Neale, partner, and director of Dueto. “I was very impressed with the entire experience, from the amazing galleries to the interactive technology. I know that Brazilian fans will be as excited for this experience as I am.”

“We want to bring happiness to people. This is what guides 30e, and being able to expand our area of activity with a project that speaks directly to our purpose is very special to me. The experience of Harry Potter: The Exhibition has impacted and entertained families all over the world and with the Brazilian public, who have a great passion for this entire universe, it will be no different”, says Pepeu Correa, CEO of 30e.

Gallery Highlights

从页面到屏幕画廊 展示了 哈利-波特与魔法石 它被包裹在一个以格林诺丁银行为灵感的金库中,周围环绕着励志视频和文学名言,让游客在参观展览的同时重新认识这个故事。 

霍格沃茨城堡画廊 在这里,游客会看到自己的名字出现,提示他们继续探索展览。 

大会堂画廊 这是一个让游客在其标志性建筑中庆祝神奇季节时刻的空间。

"(《世界人权宣言》) 霍格沃茨学院 画廊为展览体验奠定了基础,让游客有机会与他们在预先登记时选择的霍格沃茨学院一起体验更多个性化的时刻。虽然游客可能会倾向于某个学院,但在这个展厅中,游客可以在以标志性的分院帽为特色的庆典大厅中体验霍格沃茨所有学院的风采,在精心制作的彩色玻璃窗上环绕着新鲜设计的院徽,非常适合拍照留念。 

霍格沃茨教室 这里充满了标志性的道具、生物和服装。游客将通过数字触摸屏与神奇的课程和游戏互动,揭开课堂经典时刻的幕后秘密。他们将在魔药教室里调制魔药,在占卜课上预测未来,在草药温室里栽培曼德拉草,在黑魔法防御课上使用数字魔杖打败博格特。 

海格小屋和禁林 提供互动式守护神符体验。随后,游客将发现隐藏在森林中的标志性生物,如半人马和噬人蛛,并在重现的海格小屋内进行探索。 

独一无二的 哈利-波特展览merchandise will be available in the onsite retail shop for guests to celebrate their fandom through an assortment of themed collections that celebrate the extended Harry Potter universe. Fans can choose from a range of products such as apparel, jewelry, and edible treats, including Chocolate Frogs and bottled and draft Butterbeer. There will also be merchandise not available at any other Harry Potter experience.

鼓励粉丝们关注 哈利-波特展览 关于 Facebook 和 Instagram. #harrypotterexhibition # HarryPotterExhibitionBrasil @harrypotter_exhibition


About The Harry Potter Franchise

From the moment eleven-year-old Harry Potter met Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his adventures have left an indelible mark on popular culture. Today, over 25 years later, the Harry Potter phenomenon thrives as one of the most successful and best-loved entertainment properties in history.

J.K. Rowling’s best-selling Harry Potter novels have been brought to life in an ever-evolving, interconnected universe which is loved by millions of fans worldwide. Eight blockbuster 哈利-波特 films and three epic 神奇动物 films bring the spellbinding action to life on screen, 哈利-波特与被诅咒的孩子 mesmerises on stage, and state-of-the-art video and mobile games from Portkey Games allow players to experience the wizarding world like never before. Fans can proudly showcase their passion through innovative consumer products, and thrill at spectacular location-based experiences – including five theme park lands at Universal Studios locations around the world.

This expanding portfolio of Warner Bros. Discovery-owned Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts offerings includes ground-breaking touring experiences and events, each developed to celebrate special moments and locations that fans cherish, as well as the Platform 9 3⁄4 retail shops and iconic flagship store – Harry Potter New York. Wizards, Witches and Muggles alike can also discover something new as they explore behind-the-scenes secrets at 华纳兄弟伦敦工作室之旅--《哈利-波特》的制作过程华纳兄弟东京工作室之旅--《哈利-波特》的制作过程.

With a new Max Original TV series based on the Harry Potter books on the way, this extended world continues to provide the community with fresh and exciting ways to interact. For its global fans, and for generations to come, it invites everyone in to find the magic for themselves.

For the latest Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts news and features, visit www.wizardingworld.com.

魔法世界》及所有相关商标、角色、名称和标志均为 © & ™ 华纳兄弟娱乐公司所有。出版权 © JKR。(s23)

關於 Warner Bros. Discovery Global Themed Entertainment
华纳兄弟探索全球主题娱乐公司(WBDGTE)隶属于华纳兄弟探索全球品牌、特许经营和体验公司(Warner Bros. Discovery Global Brands, Franchises and Experiences),是以华纳兄弟的标志性角色、故事和品牌为基础,创造、开发和授权基于地点的娱乐、现场活动、展览和主题公园体验的全球领导者。WBDGTE 是《哈利波特魔法世界》(The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™)、《阿布扎比华纳兄弟世界》(Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi)、《澳大利亚华纳兄弟电影世界》(WB Movie World Australia)等全球开创性项目的所在地,也是其他无数受 DC、Looney Tunes、Scooby、Game of Thrones、Friends 等启发的体验项目的所在地。WBDGTE 与一流的合作伙伴一起,让全世界的粉丝们身临其境地体验他们最喜爱的品牌和特许经营项目。

關於 Imagine Exhibitions
总部位于亚特兰大的想象展览公司(Imagine Exhibitions, Inc. 是以叙事为驱动、身临其境的戏剧设计、故事讲述和身临其境的体验领域的全球领导者,为全球各地的博物馆、品牌、场馆和综合度假村创造精致、高品质的体验。从构思到运营,Imagines 的行业先锋团队凭借在沉浸式设计体验和娱乐领域数十年的成功经验,始终如一地创造和实施令人难忘、发人深省的环境。公司为客户量身定做的体验活动,无论在哪里展示,都能传递有针对性的信息,提高参观人数。想象展览公司是全球巡回娱乐业的先驱,曾举办过许多国际知名的展览,如 "哈利波特 "展览、"泰坦尼克号:展览"、"侏罗纪公园:展览"、"侏罗纪公园:展览 "等:展览、《泰坦尼克号:展览》、《饥饿游戏:展览》、《愤怒的小鸟:展览》等:展览》、《愤怒的小鸟》:愤怒的小鸟:全球现象背后的艺术与科学》、《侏罗纪世界:展览》、《唐顿庄园》等:展览》和《唐顿庄园》:展览。 

想象展览公司目前在世界各地的博物馆、科学中心、水族馆、综合度假村和非传统场所举办 40 多场独特的展览。公司还继续设计、开设和运营自己的场馆,同时创建和实施永久性和半永久性博物馆、品牌、娱乐产业以及餐饮体验。欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.ImagineExhibitions.com or find us on 在 Facebook 上

About Eventim Live
EVENTIM LIVE is the promoter group of CTS EVENTIM. With a network of 39 promoters worldwide, EVENTIM LIVE is uniquely positioned to offer a wide range of live entertainment experiences tailored to diverse audiences. From large-scale global tours to intimate local concerts and iconic festivals, Eventim Live ensures that fans have access to the most exciting events across various genres and locations. EVENTIM LIVE also excels in the dynamic realm of touring exhibitions, contributing to the cultural exchange that defines this growing segment. 

About Dueto
Dueto, founded by sisters Monique and Sylvia Gardenberg has more than 40 years of experience in entertainment and produced iconic music festivals that changed the Brazilian cultural landscape: Free Jazz Festival (1985 – 2001), Carlton Dance Festival (1987 – 2000), Tim Festival (2003 – 2008), Nivea Viva (2013 – 2017), and currently C6 Fest. Dueto also produced the films Jenipapo, Benjamin, Ó Paí, Ó, and Paraíso Perdido, all directed by Monique Gardenberg. In 2020, adapted the successful play 5x comédia to an Amazon Prime show, and in 2021 created and produced “2022” for HBO, a TV musical special with more than 50 stars from Brazilian music. Dueto also produced successful exhibitions like A Era dos Games (by Barbican Centre), Bjork Digital, Itaú 50 anos de Bossa Nova, Robot Zoo, Arte é Bom and Imagine Picasso. 

About 30e
30e represents the new generation of live entertainment and has been developing the “Delivering Happiness” positioning, which translates into action that values the experience of the public and brands. Creating moments of happiness for people is what guides each stage of their events. These were some of the names that 30e brought to Brazil: Paul McCartney, Lana Del Rey, Twenty One Pilots, Florence and the Machine, Kendrick Lamar, Slipknot, Gorillaz, The Killers, Roger Waters, and Bring Me The Horizon. The company revolutionized the format of national tours by bringing new technologies and possibilities to Brazilian artists. Titãs Encontro, NX Zero, JÃO, and Ivete Sangalo are just some of the tours that are under the care of 30e. On the festival front, in turn, they have MITA, Knotfest Brasil, and GPWeek in their portfolio.


For Media Inquiries about Harry Potter: The Exhibition in São Paulo
30e | Trovoa Comunicação
卡罗尔-帕斯科尔 - 11 98432-0330 - carol@trovoa.com
Fábio Lopes - 11 97058-6119 - Paris fabio@trovoa.com

Mercedes Tristão – 11 97096-5113 – mercedestristao@gmail.com
Carla Vidal – 11 9939-7215

Lindsay Kiesel | 华纳兄弟探索全球主题娱乐公司



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