

哈利波特 展览隐私政策

This Privacy Policy was last modified on August 13, 2024.

Your United States Privacy Rights


本隐私政策(以下简称 "政策")适用于 "哈利-波特: 展览 "网站(各为 "网站",统称 "网站")、移动应用程序/应用(各为 "应用",统称 "应用")以及由HPX LLC Exhibitions, Inc.运营的展览。HPX LLC是个人数据处理的数据控制方("HPX LLC"、"我们 "或 "我们的")。网站和应用程序以及我们通过它们提供的相关内容、应用程序、技术和服务统称为 "平台"。




本政策仅适用于我们在平台上或通过平台收集的信息。本政策不适用于我们线下收集的信息,或您提供给任何第三方或由任何第三方收集的信息,这些第三方可能有自己的隐私政策,我们建议您在向其或通过其提供信息之前阅读这些政策(参见下文 "第三方信息收集")。


本政策可能随时更改(请参阅下文 "隐私政策的更改")。在我们修订本政策后,您继续使用平台即表示您接受这些变更,因此请定期查看本政策的更新。















如果您在平台的公共区域或您通过平台访问的网站上提供信息以供发布或展示("发布")(统称 "用户贡献"),则您的用户贡献被发布和传播给他人的风险由您自行承担。此外,我们无法控制您可能选择与之分享您的用户贡献的第三方的行为。因此,我们不能也不会保证您的用户贡献不会被未经授权的人查看。

Automatic Information Collection And Tracking


Usage Details. When you access and use the Platform, we may automatically collect certain details of your access to and use of the Platform, including traffic data, location data, logs, and other communication data and the resources that you access and use on or through the Platform.

Device Information. We may collect information about your mobile device and internet connection, including the device’s unique device identifier, IP address, operating system, browser type, mobile network information, and the device’s telephone number.

Stored Information and Files. The Platform may also access metadata and other information associated with other files stored on your device. This may include, for example, photographs, audio and video clips, personal contacts, and address book information.

如果您不希望我们收集上述任何信息,您可以决定不使用平台或不下载移动应用程序,或从您的设备中删除移动应用程序。更多信息,请参阅下文 "您对我们收集、使用和披露您的信息的选择"。

Information Collection And Tracking Technologies


Cookies. (or mobile cookies). A cookie is a small file placed on your smartphone. It may be possible to refuse to accept mobile cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your smartphone. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of our App.

Web Beacons. The Platform and our emails may contain small electronic files known as web beacons (also referred to as clear gifs, pixel tags, and single-pixel gifs) that we permit, for example, to count users who have visited those pages or opened an email and for other related app statistics (for example, recording the popularity of certain app content and verifying system and server integrity).

Third-Party Information Collection.



分析公司。请参阅下文 "我们对 Google Analytics 的使用 "中的其他信息。





Our Use Of Google Analytics

我们使用一种名为 "Google Analytics "的工具来收集有关本网站使用情况的信息。Google Analytics 收集的信息包括:用户访问或使用本平台的频率、用户访问本平台时访问的页面以及用户在访问本平台之前使用的其他网站。有关 Google 如何使用此类信息的更多信息,请访问以下网站:https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/。

我们使用从 Google Analytics 获取的信息来改进本平台。Google Analytics 使用条款 (https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/us/) 和 Google 隐私政策 (https://policies.google.com/privacy) 限制了 Google 使用和共享 Google Analytics 收集的有关您访问本平台的信息的能力。您可以通过禁用浏览器上的 cookies 来阻止 Google Analytics 在您再次访问平台时识别您。有关禁用浏览器 cookie 的更多信息,请参阅下文 "您对我们收集、使用和披露您的信息的选择"。












我们还可能使用您的信息与您联系,向您介绍您可能感兴趣的商品和服务,包括我们自己的商品和服务或第三方的商品和服务。更多信息,请参阅下文 "您对我们收集、使用和披露您的信息的选择"。


Disclosure Of Your Information











Your Choices About Our Collection, Use, And Disclosure Of Your Information


Tracking Technologies. You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. However, if you disable or refuse cookies or block the use of other tracking technologies, some parts of the Platform may then be inaccessible or not function properly.

Promotion by HPX LLC. You can opt-out of receiving promotional materials by logging into the Platform and adjusting your user preferences in your account profile or by selecting “unsubscribe” in emails we send to you.

加州居民可能拥有其他个人信息权利和选择。更多信息,请参阅下文 "您的加州隐私权"。



You may also send us an email at info@harrypotterexhibition.com to request access to, correct, or delete any personal information that you have provided to us. We may not accommodate a request to change information if we believe the change would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect.


加州居民可能拥有其他个人信息权利和选择。更多信息,请参阅下文 "您的加州隐私权"。

Children’s Privacy And Age Limitations For The Platform

本平台仅供 13 岁或以上人士使用,您使用本平台即表明您已年满 13 岁。我们不会在知情的情况下收集 13 岁以下儿童的个人信息。 如果我们发现或获知我们收到了来自 13 岁以下个人的个人信息,而该人表示自己或我们有理由相信该人未满 13 岁,我们将从我们的系统中删除此类信息。如果您是 13 岁以下儿童的父母或监护人,并认为您的孩子向我们披露了个人信息,我们欢迎您按照以下规定与我们联系,以便我们解决此类问题。

我们有时可能会通过平台收集 13 岁以下儿童的信息,但只有在该儿童的父母或监护人向我们提供此类信息时,我们才会这样做。在我们收集到 13 岁以下儿童信息的所有情况下,家长或监护人可根据以下规定联系我们,查看并要求删除该儿童的个人信息,以及禁止我们进一步使用此类信息。


未满 18 周岁的加州居民在个人信息的收集和销售方面可能享有其他权利。更多信息,请参阅下文 "您的加州隐私权"。

Changes To Our Privacy Policy




To ask questions or comment about this Policy and our privacy practices, contact us via email at info@harrypotterexhibition.com, or via regular mail at HPX LLC, 2870 Peachtree Road, Suite 418, Atlanta, GA 30305.


以下针对加州居民的附加隐私声明("加州声明")是对本政策其他部分所含信息的补充,仅适用于居住在加利福尼亚州的个人("加州消费者 "或 "您")。HPX有限责任公司通过本加利福尼亚州通知,以遵守经《加利福尼亚州隐私权法》修订的《加利福尼亚州消费者隐私权法》及其相关规定(统称 "加利福尼亚州隐私权法 "或 "CPL")以及其他适用的加利福尼亚州法律。

Overview Of Consumer Rights Under The CPL

根据 CPL,加州消费者对其个人信息享有某些权利,包括

有权了解HPX LLC收集的个人信息类别,以及我们获取此类信息的来源类别。

有权了解 HPX LLC 共享个人信息的商业目的。

有权了解与HPX LLC共享个人信息的第三方类别。




访问HPX LLC收集的特定个人信息的权利

有权更正HPX LLC收集的个人信息。


如果加州消费者行使 CPL 规定的权利,则有权不受歧视。



我们收集可识别、涉及、描述、引用、可合理关联或可合理直接或间接链接到特定加州消费者、家庭或设备的信息(统称为 "个人信息")。个人信息不包括



不在 CPL 范围内的信息,包括

1996 年《健康保险可携性和责任法案》(HIPAA)和《加利福尼亚州医疗信息保密法案》(CMIA)涵盖的健康或医疗信息或临床试验数据;以及

某些其他法律涵盖的个人信息,包括《公平信用报告法》(FCRA)、《格拉姆-里奇-比利雷法案》(GLBA)或《加州金融信息隐私法》(FIPA)以及 1994 年《驾驶员隐私保护法》。


类别 示例

标识符 个人姓名、别名、邮政地址、独特的个人标识符、在线标识符、互联网协议地址、电子邮件地址、账户名、社会安全号、驾驶执照号码、护照号码或其他类似标识符。

Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e) 姓名、签名、社会保险号、身体特征或描述、地址、电话号码、护照号码、驾照或州身份证号码、保险单号码、教育程度、工作、工作经历、银行账号、信用卡号、借记卡号或任何其他财务信息、医疗信息或健康保险信息

商业信息 个人财产、购买、获得或考虑的产品或服务的记录,或其他购买或消费历史或倾向的记录

互联网或其他类似网络活动 浏览历史记录、搜索历史记录、加州消费者与我们的网站、应用程序或广告的互动信息,以及链接、连接或获取用户信息的任何社交媒体网站的信息

从其他个人信息中得出的推断 例子包括一个人的偏好、特征、心理趋势、倾向、行为、态度、智力、能力和性向

地理位置数据 物理位置或移动(注:根据《个人隐私保护法》,某些精确的地理位置数据可能被视为敏感个人信息,在此类数据被视为敏感个人信息的范围内,您有权限制此类数据的使用和披露)。

Sources Of Personal Information


Directly From You. For example, from forms you complete or products and services you purchase or from communications with you such as when you contact HPX LLC (whether in person, by mail, by phone, online, via electronic communication or by other means) including our customer support service.

Indirectly From You. For example, from observing your actions on our Platform or from products or services that you have purchased from HPX LLC, if you have enabled such functionality, such as telemetry services.

From Others.

From Third Party Service Providers. For example, if you choose to make an electronic payment directly to HPX LLC, or through a linked website or mobile application, or through an affiliate of ours, HPX LLC may receive personal information about you from third parties such as payment services providers, for the purposes of that payment.

From Affiliates. We may collect personal information about you from our affiliates or others acting on their behalf.

From Public Sources. For example, we may collect information from public records.

Uses Of Personal Information














在收集您的个人信息时向您说明的情况,或 CPL 或适用法律另有规定的情况。



代表 CPL 受保企业或其服务提供商提供服务,如客户服务、订单履行、付款处理、融资以及广告、营销或分析服务。







在过去十二(12)个月中,HPX LLC出于商业目的披露了以下类别的个人信息:


Cal. Civ. 法典》第 1798.80(e)条







cookie 数据的接收者


HPX LLC不会向第三方出售个人信息。

Exercising Your CPL Rights And Choices

以下章节介绍了您如何行使 CPL 赋予您的权利。

获取特定信息和数据可移植性的权利。您有权要求我们向您披露有关我们收集和使用您个人信息的某些信息。一旦我们收到并确认您可核实的消费者请求(见下文 "行使访问权、数据可携性和删除权"),我们将向您披露以下信息:





Les informations personnelles spécifiques que nous avons recueillies à votre sujet (également appelées demande de portabilité des données).



在CPL允许的范围内,我们不提供以下访问和数据可移植性权利:(i) 企业对企业的个人信息;或 (ii) (如适用)以员工、求职者或承包商身份提供或收集的HPX LLC加利福尼亚州员工、求职者或承包商的个人信息。

Deletion And Correction Request Rights. You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal information that we collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions. Once we receive and confirm your verifiable consumer request (see “Exercising Access, Data Portability and Deletion Rights” below), we will delete (and direct our service providers to delete) your personal information from our (and service provider) records, unless an exception applies.






遵守《加州电子通讯隐私法》(Cal. Penal Code § 1546 et seq.)





在CPL允许的情况下,我们不提供以下删除权:(i)企业对企业的个人信息;或(ii)在适用的情况下,从HPX LLC的加州员工、求职者或承包商处收集的个人信息,这些信息是以此类员工、求职者或承包商的身份提供或收集的。


Exercising Access, Data Portability, Deletion And Correction Rights. To exercise the access, data portability, deletion and correction rights described above, you should submit a verifiable consumer request to us by one of the following methods:

Emailing us at info@harrypotterexhibition.com

邮寄地址:HPX LLC Exhibitions, 2870 Peachtree Road, Suite 418, Atlanta, GA 30305 HPX LLC Exhibitions, 2870 Peachtree Road, Suite 418, Atlanta, GA 30305


拨打我们的免费电话 844-622-8724










Response Timing And Format

我们努力在收到可核实的消费者请求后四十五 (45) 天内做出答复。如果我们需要更多时间,我们将书面通知您原因和延长期限。





我们不会因您行使任何 CPL 权利而对您进行歧视。除非 CPL 或其他适用法律允许,否则我们不会因您行使 CPL 规定的任何权利而对您进行歧视:





但是,我们可能会向您提供 CPL 允许的某些经济奖励,这些奖励可能会导致不同的价格、费率或质量水平。我们提供的任何 CPL 允许的经济激励措施都将与您个人信息的价值合理相关,并包含说明该计划重要方面的书面条款。参与经济奖励计划需要您事先选择同意,您可以随时撤销同意。

Retention Of Personal Information






加利福尼亚州拒绝跟踪披露。目前,平台不支持网络浏览器的 "拒绝跟踪 "设置。拒绝跟踪是用户可在其网络浏览器中设置的一种隐私偏好。当用户在提供此设置的浏览器中激活拒绝跟踪设置时,浏览器会向网站或应用程序发送信息,要求它们不要跟踪用户。如需了解有关拒不跟踪事项的更多信息,请访问 www.allaboutdnt.org。

Information on Marketing Disclosures. California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits our users who are California residents to request and obtain from us once a year, free of charge, information about the personal information (if any) we disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year. If applicable, this information would include a list of the categories of personal information that was shared and the names and addresses of all third parties with which we shared information in the immediately preceding calendar year. If you are a California resident and would like to make such a request, please submit your request in writing to us at: info@harrypotterexhibition.com or HPX LLC Exhibitions, 2870 Peachtree Road, Suite 418, Atlanta, GA 30305.

Content Removal Requests for Platform Users Under 18 Years Old. If you are a Platform user under 18 years of age and reside in California, you may request and obtain removal of, content or information that you have posted on the Platform. You may send us any such requests by one of the following methods: (i) by email (writing “Privacy Policy/Removal Request” in the subject line) at info@harrypotterexhibition.com; or (ii) by writing to us at HPX LLC Exhibitions, 2870 Peachtree Road, Suite 418, Atlanta, GA 30305. We will review the request and respond promptly. You should be aware that a request to remove content or information posted by you on the Platform does not ensure or require complete or comprehensive removal of such content or information from our databases.


If you have any complaint about use of the Platform, you may contact us by email at info@harrypotterexhibition.com, or by postal mail at HPX LLC Exhibitions, 2870 Peachtree Road, Suite 418, Atlanta, GA 30305. In accordance with California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California residents may also file complaints with the Complaint Assistance Unit, Division of Consumer Services, California Department of Consumer Affairs by postal mail at 1625 North Market Road, Suite N112, Sacramento, CA 95834 or by telephone at 800-952-5210.



Your Brazil Privacy Rights


Last Updated: June 26, 2024.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By participating in Harry Potter: The Exhibition, accessing Our website, or using Our mobile application, You are acknowledging and agreeing to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

This Policy may change from time to time, so please check it periodically for updates and review the date of the last modification at the top of the page.

1. Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes the processing and treatment of Personal Data and information made available or collected on the websites and applications where this Policy is disclosed, including Our websites (“Sites”), mobile applications (“App”), and RFID bracelet (“RFID”) that use Radio Frequency Identification technology, collectively referred to as the “Platform.”

This Policy also applies to information We collect offline. However, it does not apply to information You provide to or that is collected by Third Parties, which may have their own privacy policies. We encourage You to read the privacy policies of Third Parties before providing your information to or through them.

The Privacy Policy described here aims to demonstrate how your Personal Data is treated by HPX LLC Exhibitions, Inc., reinforcing Our commitment to important values, including good relationships and transparency with Data Subjects, in line with the provisions of the General Data Protection Law (Law 13,709/18).

2. Definitions

a)LGPD”: Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados, is the Brazilian data protection law that sets guidelines for the collection, use, processing, and storage of personal data.

b)Personal Data“: information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.

c) “Sensitive Personal Data“: Personal Data concerning racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, political opinion, union membership, or religious, philosophical, or political organization affiliation, health or sexual life data, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

d) “Anonymized Data”: data related to the Data Subject that cannot be identified, considering the use of reasonable and available technical means at the time of its processing.

e) “Personal Data Processing”: any operation performed with Personal Data, including collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, disposal, evaluation, or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination, or extraction.

f) “Data Subject” or “You“: a natural person to whom the Personal Data being processed refers.

g) “Controller”: a natural or legal person, public or private, responsible for decisions regarding the processing of Personal Data.

h) “Processor”: a natural or legal person, public or private, who processes Personal Data on behalf of the Controller.

i) “Data Protection Officer”: a person appointed by the Controller and Processor to act as a channel of communication between the Controller, Data Subjects, and the National Data Protection Authority (NDPA).

j) “Consent”: a free, informed, and unequivocal manifestation by which the Data Subject agrees to the processing of their Personal Data for a specific Purpose.

k) “Purpose”: the processing for legitimate, specific, explicit, and informed purposes to the Data Subject, without the possibility of subsequent processing incompatible with these purposes.

l) “Exhibition”: the name of the “Harry Potter: The Exhibition”, held in São Paulo, at Pavilhão Lucas Nogueira Garcez – Oca Ibirapuera (Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, S/N, Gate 2, Moema, ZIP code: 04094-050).

m) “HPX LLC,” “We,” “Us,” or “Our“: responsible for the production, promotion, and management of the Platforms and the Exhibition, as well as the Controller and Processor of Personal Data.

n) “Platform”: Our websites (“Sites”), mobile applications (“App”), and RFID bracelets (“RFID”).

3. How And When We Collect Your Personal Data

We collect your Personal Data in the following ways:

a) Directly from You: when You provide it to Us through the Platform, forms, surveys, transactions, in person, etc.

b) Automatically: when You use the Platform, your Personal Data may be collected automatically without Us needing to request your Consent.

c) From Affiliates: We may collect personal information about You from Our affiliates or other persons acting on their behalf.

d) From service providers: when You use services from Our providers such as Eventim, Google Analytics, PhotoShoots, META, and sponsors, your data may be shared with these Third Parties.

e) From public data sources: when We collect your data made previously and manifestly public by You.

4. What Personal Data We Process

We may process various personals data that can be divided into the following categories:

a) Identifiers: name, pseudonym, address, ZIP code, online identifier, IP address, email address, driver’s license number, student ID number, passport number, or other similar identifiers of an individual, sounds, voice, image.

b) Commercial: purchase records and/or services acquired on Our Platform or during the Exhibition or other purchasing or consumption histories or trends to which We have access.

c) Internet: browsing history, search history, information on consumer interaction or experience with Our Platform.

d) Geolocation data: physical location or movements within the Platform or during your visit to the Exhibition.

5. How We Use Your Personal Data

We process your Personal Data to provide You with access and navigation to the Platform, as well as content, information, products, advertisements, experiences, and services online or offline or at the Exhibition that You request from Us or that We understand to be of interest to You.

Your Personal Data is also used to fulfill Our obligations arising from contracts entered between Us and You or between Us and Third Parties or legal obligations under Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) or and other international laws.

Personal data is also used to help Us improve and personalize your experience on the Platform and at the Exhibition, as well as to help Us estimate the size of Our audience and usage patterns.

6. Personal Data Processing

It is important for Us that You know how your data is processed, how We obtain it, and what this data is. Therefore, We have compiled the table below to exemplify data processing, although We may use other information in addition to those listed below:

Data SourceData Processed
Information You provide              We collect Personal Data provided by You through the Platforms or your presence at the Exhibition, in the following situations:

Signup for email marketing: (i) email

Press mailing list: (i) name; (ii) email; and (iii) phone number. Registration, download, access, or use of the Platform: (i) name; (ii) address; (iii) email; (iv) phone number; (v) payment information; (vi) address.Ticket booth: (i) name; (ii) email; (iii) purchase data (e.g., product, value, etc.), (iv) billing and shipping address.Press accreditation: (i) name; (ii) email; (iii) landline and cell phone number; (iv) passport photo.Half-price benefit confirmation: (i) name; (ii) email; (iii) student ID; (iv) RG; (v) Birth Certificate; (vi) Elderly Card; (vii) medical certificate (PCD); (viii) INSS card. Sponsorship: (i) name; (ii) email.Group tickets: (i) name; (ii) email; (iii) phone number.Chat and comments (social media): (i) name and profile photo; (ii) email; (iii) order number. Authorization for minors’ entry: (i) name; (ii) date of birth; (iii) RG; (iv) identification document. Survey: (i) name; (ii) email. Purchase of Photographs: (i) name; (ii) email; (iii) image  
Automatically collected information          We collect and automatically track: Platform usage: (i) usage details; (ii) traffic data; (iii) location data; (iv) browsing history; (v) IP address; (vi) operating system); (vii) browser type; (viii) mobile network information; (ix) phone number; (x) metadata; (xi) photographs; (xii) audio and video clips; (xiii) personal contacts and address book.   Participation in the Exhibition: (i) voice; (ii) image; (iii) footage.  
Information provided by partner companies and other sourcesWe may have access to your Personal Data through Third Parties to assist in the provision of Our services in the following situations:   Delivery of group tickets to a representative or authorized beneficiary: (i) name; (ii) email; (iii) phone number; (iv) RG.Ticket sales reports provided by Eventim: (i) name; (ii) email; (iii) phone number; (iv) purchase details (e.g., product, amount, etc.); (v) billing and shipping address.Accreditation of service providers and suppliers: (i) name and email of the person responsible for accreditation; (ii) name; (iii) function; (iv) photo; (v) vehicle model and license plate; (vi) biometrics.    

 In chats and social media comments, there is the possibility of freely inserting data, whether in conversation or as an attachment. However, We do not require excessive, unnecessary, or non-compliant data according to the LGPD.        

7. When Your Personal Data Will Be Processed By Us

We will only process your Personal Data in accordance with LGPD guidelines in the following cases:

a) upon your Consent; or

b) to comply with Our legal or regulatory obligations; or

c) when necessary for the execution of a contract or preliminary procedures related to a contract of which You are a party or the Data Subject, at your request; or

d) for the regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative, or arbitration proceedings; or

e) when necessary to meet Our legitimate interests or those of Third Parties, but only after conducting a thorough legitimate interest assessment and where your fundamental rights and freedoms that require the protection of Personal Data do not prevail.

8. Personal Data Of Minors

 The processing of Personal Data of children and adolescents is done in their best interest and in compliance with the provisions of the Child and Adolescent Statute (Law No. 8,069/1990 – “ECA”) and the General Data Protection Law.

In this case, the primary legal basis for the processing of Personal Data of minors is the specific Consent of at least one of the responsible parties, pursuant to article 14, §1, of the LGPD. However, Personal Data collected with due Consent may also be processed to comply with legal or regulatory obligations (Art. 7, II, of the LGPD) or for the regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative, or arbitration proceedings (Art. 7, VI, of the LGPD).

To access the Exhibition and the Platform, specific Consent of at least one of the responsible parties is essential, and participation without the collection of the data listed in item 6 above is not possible. Consent will be provided at the time of entry to the Exhibition, through reliable and specific means.

9. Purpose Of Processing And Adopted Legal Basis

In Our commitment to transparency, We list below the main Purposes of Our operations involving Personal Data, along with their respective legal bases for processing. Check:

Purpose                                                                                                            Legal Basis
Providing the service, ensuring its proper functionality.Art. 7, V of the LGPD – execution of          the contract between Us and You.
Responding to requests, fulfilling orders, and providing technical support.     Art. 7, V of the LGPD – execution of the contract between Us and You.
Sending administrative information about the Platforms and announcements about the Exhibition.Art. 7, V of the LGPD – execution of the contract between Us and You.
For advertising Purposes – targeted or not – via email marketing, banners, cookies, or other                    methods.Art. 7, IX of the LGPD – Our legitimate interest. If You do not wish to receive this type of content, simply inform Us and the sending will be interrupted.
For the regular exercise of rights related to processes or requests from public or governmental authorities.Art. 7, VI of the LGPD – regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative, or arbitration proceedings by Us.
For backup and information management in databases.Art. 7, IX of the LGPD – Our legitimate interest.
For registering suppliers and sponsors.Art. 7, V of the LGPD – execution of the contract between Us and You.
To protect rights, privacy, security, property, operations, adopting storage of information in cloud, antivirus, and Firewall by Us.Art. 7, IX of the LGPD – Our legitimate interest.

For each category of Personal Data that We process, We rely on a specific legal basis. These include compliance with legal or regulatory obligations, execution of a contract or preliminary contractual procedures, regular exercise of rights in a legal process, legitimate interest, or your Consent, in accordance with articles 7 and 11 of the LGPD.

However, the processing of Personal Data undertaken by Us will always be based on some legal basis, as provided for in articles 7 and 11 of the LGPD, even if it has not been included in the table above.

10. Rights Of Data Subjects

You have the right to request information regarding the processing of your Personal Data from Us through the following requests:

a) Confirmation of the existence of processing: You can contact Us to confirm whether any of your Personal Data is processed by Us.

b) Access to data: You have the right to request access to existing data processed by Us.

c) Correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data: You can request that We, at any time, change your Personal Data in case it is incorrect, inaccurate, or outdated. Examples include name correction, phone number and address change. It is important that Personal Data be accurate and current, so it is up to You to keep Us informed in cases where your Personal Data needs to be corrected.

d) Anonymization, blocking, or elimination of unnecessary, excessive, or data processed in non-compliance with LGPD: You may request the blocking and deletion of your Personal Data. Such a request will only be denied by Us in cases where the request cannot be met or where its storage is mandatory or allowed according to the hypotheses listed in article 7 of the LGPD and other applicable provisions. Because anonymization prevents the identification of the individual, Anonymized Data is no longer considered Personal Data and therefore falls outside the scope of the LGPD.

e) Elimination of Personal Data processed with your Consent: your Personal Data will be deleted after the Purpose is fulfilled, except in cases of:

  1. Compliance with legal or regulatory obligations by Us; or
  2.  Transfer to a Third Party, provided that the data processing requirements set forth in the LGPD are respected; or
  3. Exclusive use by Us, with access by Third Parties prohibited, and provided that the data is anonymized.

f) Information from public and private entities with which We share data: You have the right to request access to Personal Data that has been sent to public and private entities.

g) Information on the possibility of not giving Consent and on the consequences of refusal: We are available to answer and assist transparently with any questions that may arise regarding the processing of your Personal Data, including the possible impacts of not providing Consent.

h) Revocation of Consent: The Consent provided by You may be revoked at any time through a written request to Us via a free procedure when this is the legal basis for the processing of data.

If You wish to exercise any of the rights provided in this clause, You must contact Us, through the email: info@harrypotterexhibition.com. We will make every effort to adopt the necessary measures within the deadlines indicated in the LGPD and other relevant regulations.

11. Cookie Policy

We use cookies on Our Platform. However, if You wish, You can disable some cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Note that disabling cookies may impair navigation performance on the Platform. The cookies used by Us have the following functionalities:

a) Necessary cookies: required to enable basic features of this site, such as providing secure login or adjusting your Consent preferences. These cookies do not store any personal identification data. They will always be activated.

b) Functional cookies: help perform certain functionalities, such as sharing site content on social media Platforms, collecting feedback, and other third-party features.

c) Analytical cookies: used to understand how visitors interact with the site. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.

d) Performance cookies: used to understand and analyze key performance indices of the site, which helps provide a better user experience for visitors.

e) Advertising cookies: used to provide visitors with personalized ads based on pages visited previously and to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

f) Unclassified cookies: those that are being analyzed and have not yet been classified into a category.

12. Payment Data For Tickets

The sale of tickets for participation in the Exhibition takes place through the Platform https://www.eventim.com.br/campaign/harrypotterexhibition/?affiliate=HP0. Thus, We outsource the sale, issuance, and payment of tickets to Eventim, so We do not collect or store credit card data or other means of payment.

All financial transactions are handled by the Eventim Brasil São Paulo Sistemas e Serviços de Ingressos Ltda (“Eventim Brasil”). Only Eventim Brasil, responsible for the ticket sale and purchase transaction, has access to this data.

All information about the acquisition and use of tickets for access to the Exhibition can be accessed through the link: https://www.eventim.com.br/artist/harry-potter/harry-potter-the-exhibition-3634208/?affiliate=HP0. Furthermore, the Privacy Policy of Eventim Brasil is available at: https://www.eventim.com.br/help/data-protection/?affiliate=HP0.

Please note that by purchasing and using tickets, you agree to the terms and conditions of the Third Party site, as stated in the documents mentioned above.

Ticket issuance will be handled by Eventim Brasil, a duly accredited ticket issuer by Us. In this case, data sharing will be necessary for the execution of the contract and for the proper provision of the contracted service.

Eventim Brasil acts as Controller of the Personal Data entered by Users on the ticket sales Platform, being responsible for the collection, as provided by law, within the limits justified by legal basis set forth in articles 7 and 11 of the LGPD.

13. Sharing Data With Third Parties

We may share or collect your Personal Data with Third Parties, which may include:

a) Service providers, suppliers, etc., to fulfill contractual or legal obligations, such as: Eventim, Photoshoot, and META

b) 广告商、广告网络和广告服务器。

c) Analytics companies, such as Google Analytics.

These Third Parties may use tracking technologies to collect your Personal Data when You use the Platform. Third Parties may use this Personal Data to provide You with (behavioral) targeted advertising or other targeted content.

While We do not control the tracking technologies of these Third Parties, any interactions with these Third Parties on Our Platform are governed by the respective privacy policies of these Third Parties.   If You have any questions about an advertisement or other targeted content from a Third Party, contact the responsible provider directly, read their Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.

In addition, We share or collect your Personal Data to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, at the request of the Public Administration or the Judiciary, or for the provision of their services, with contracted staff.

All sharing is done with the adoption of necessary technical and administrative security measures.

In addition to these cases, We share Personal Data when sharing is necessary to comply with applicable law or upon request from public or governmental authorities.

14. Security Measures And Data Confidentiality

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and security of any data provided by You.

Without prejudice to other measures, all information is stored on Our internal server and on the cloud server used by Us, located in [insert location].

In summary, We adopt appropriate technical and administrative security measures to protect Personal Data under your control, and We keep a record of the Personal Data processing operations We perform.

Whenever possible, We will use anonymization mechanisms to ensure greater confidentiality and security of your Personal Data.

15. Retention And Disposal Of Personal Data

Processed Personal Data will be stored for the duration of the contract (Art. 7, V of the LGPD). After the contract ends, your information, including Personal Data of Third Parties, will be stored as prescribed by Brazilian law, unless processing is based on Consent, which may be revoked at any time by emailing info@harrypotterexhibition.com. If there is a legitimate interest justifying storage, the possibility of opting out will be offered in cases involving marketing communications.

After the prescription period, processed Personal Data will be deleted, except in cases where processing is necessary due to the hypotheses provided for in the items of Art. 16 of the LGPD, highlighted below:

I. compliance with legal or regulatory obligation by the Controller.

II. study by research body, ensuring, whenever possible, anonymization of Personal Data.

III. transfer to a Third Party, provided that the data processing requirements set forth in this Law are respected; or

IV. exclusive use by the Controller, access by Third Parties prohibited, and data anonymized.

16. Modification Of Privacy Policy

We may modify, alter, or replace this Privacy Policy at any time, so it is important for You to stay attentive to the date indicated at the beginning of this Policy.



Legal Bases For Processing Personal Information Of European Union Citizens

在处理您的个人信息时,HPX LLC可能会依据以下一项或多项法律依据(或其他可用的法律依据),具体视情况而定:

合法权益。在HPX LLC出于管理、运营或推广业务的合法利益处理您的个人信息时,我们可能会处理您的个人信息,且该合法利益不得优先于您的利益、基本权利或自由。


合同必要性。如果HPX LLC与您签订的任何合同需要处理您的个人信息,我们可能会进行处理。


Disclosures To Third Parties

我们不会向第三方披露您的个人信息,除非是为了履行HPX LLC对您的义务,或者法律规定HPX LLC有义务或允许这样做(包括但不限于HPX LLC与您签订的任何协议条款),或者HPX LLC披露的信息与本政策所述用途一致。


如果HPX有限责任公司出售或转让我们的全部或部分业务或资产,或与其他组织合并,HPX有限责任公司保留转让HPX有限责任公司所拥有的关于您的任何个人信息的权利。如果发生此类出售、转让或合并,HPX LLC将尽合理努力要求受让方以符合本政策的方式使用您提供给HPX LLC的个人信息。

我们不会向任何第三方出售、转售或出租您的个人信息,但如果出于收集和处理您的个人信息的目的需要,HPX LLC可能会与HPX LLC的合作伙伴和/或服务提供商共享您的个人信息,以便他们向HPX LLC或您提供服务(如适用)。上述情况不包括本政策其他部分所述的其他用途。

Security Of Personal Information Of European Citizens


Retention Of Personal Information Of European Citizens

我们的政策是仅在必要时保留您的个人信息,以实现HPX LLC收集此类个人信息的目的,包括满足HPX LLC必须遵守的任何专业、法律、会计或报告要求。 

参观者的个人数据将在账户激活时保存。如果长期未激活,这些数据将从参观展览之日起保存 3 年。如果参观者选择退订,其数据将被存档,不再进行处理。数据存档是为了履行我们的法律、法规或其他义务。 

访客的照片与访客的账户相关联,只要账户仍处于激活状态,照片就会一直保存。如果账户关闭,账户数据将在 30 天内删除,完成后将发送书面确认函;否则,账户数据将在 3 年未激活后存档。 

Your Rights As A European Citizen

对于HPX LLC持有和使用的您的个人信息,您享有以下多项权利:

访问权。您有权了解HPX LLC持有您哪些个人信息,并有权获得这些个人信息的副本。

更正权。您有权要求更新或更正HPX LLC所持有的关于您的任何不准确的个人信息。

删除权。在某些情况下,您可以要求HPX LLC删除HPX LLC所持有的您的个人信息。



反对权。当HPX LLC基于合法利益处理您的个人信息时,您有权反对此类使用,HPX LLC必须停止此类处理,除非HPX LLC能够证明此类处理具有压倒性的合法利益。

限制权。在某些情况下,您有权要求HPX LLC停止使用您的个人信息,包括如果您认为HPX LLC持有的您的个人信息不准确或HPX LLC对您的个人信息的使用是非法的。如果您有效地行使了这项权利,HPX LLC将保存您的个人信息,并且在问题解决之前不会进行任何其他处理。


You may exercise any of the above rights and/or request that HPX LLC stop using your personal information for marketing purposes at any time by writing to HPX LLC via email at info@harrypotterexhibition.com, or via regular mail at HPX LLC Exhibitions, 2870 Peachtree Road, Suite 418, Atlanta, GA 30305.

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